Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning

Project based learning (PBL) allows students to achieve academic successes and helps prepare them to face the challenges of the everyday world. Project based learning allows students to work on a project over an extended period and brings learning to life. Teachers...
4 Tips To Write A Great Lesson Plan

4 Tips To Write A Great Lesson Plan

Creating a lesson plan at any grade level can be a daunting task for some teachers. Writing lesson plans allows you to address the requirements of the curriculum and allows you to plan out how you will address your students needs. Some school districts use specific...
How to Prepare Students for Standardized Testing

How to Prepare Students for Standardized Testing

The month of March is the kick off of standardized testing across the country, and while it can leave parents overwhelmed, it is also stressful for educators. Whether it is elementary students preparing for state standardized tests or high school students preparing to...
4 Ways to Improve Reading Comprehension

4 Ways to Improve Reading Comprehension

As educational professionals, we’ve heard every excuse when it comes to reading, but the one that is constantly repeated is “I do not understand what I just read.” While this statement is usually uttered more by students in grades 7-12, it is important to help...
The Importance of STEM in Education

The Importance of STEM in Education

Occupations in the STEM field are growing at a rate of 17% across the United States. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics play a major role in the sustained growth and stability of our economy and are one of the most critical components to help lead us...
The Importance of Art in Education

The Importance of Art in Education

Throughout the last decade, schools have been cutting art programs out of their curriculums. While students develop active play skills through art classes, they also develop other fundamentally important skills from music and theater classes. The following are just...